How To Keep Bees and Wasps Away From Swimming Pool
The best way to deal with them is to first understand why they are there. Wasps might be drawn to the smell, while bees in a pool area are probably just trying to quench their thirst. Making your pool less appealing to wasps and bees is thus the best way to deter them from visiting.
How To Keep Bees Away From Swimming Pool
Give Them Something Else To Drink
A new water source can be helpful because, as was previously mentioned, wasps and bees are looking for water to drink and to help them cool off. Simple containers like a bucket, dish, or even a bird bath can serve as the new source of water. If you decide to use a bird bath, be sure to add a few sponges to provide a protected area for the bees to hang out.
Put it in place before opening your pool, whatever device you decide to use to entice wasps and bees away from the pool area. They will become more accustomed to the new water source as a result of this. Try placing the water source close to the wasps’ nest if they are your main concern. In order to attract them more quickly, it is also a good idea to use old pool water.
Hang A Few Scraps Of Raw Meat
This one is for the wasps once more. Have you ever noticed how they always appear at BBQs without an invitation? That’s because wasps, like humans, enjoy a juicy raw burger, a good steak, or really any leftover raw meat.
To keep wasps away from your pool area and allow you to enjoy the water alone, hang a piece of raw meat nearby but not in the pool area. This will attract wasps. But be careful not to leave the meat out for too long, as it will eventually go bad and draw flies and maggots.
Use A Decoy Wasps Nest
It is clear that wasps will enjoy this. Being fiercely competitive by nature, wasps avoid living close to other wasps. A decoy nest placed in the air will deter them because of this.
If a wasp swarm approaches the area around your pool and discovers another “nest” there, they will assume that another swarm arrived first and flee the area.
Decoy nests can be purchased online or made quite simply by getting a brown paper bag, blowing it up into the shape of a nest, and placing some moth balls inside. This will produce a defensive odor that will deter wasp visitors.
Call A Local Beekeeper
It’s not a major issue if a bee is only occasionally seen flying around the pool. However, does your pool resemble a party where every bee in the neighborhood attended? There might be a nest on your property.
Locate a beekeeper in your neighborhood. They might be able to remove the nest for you without causing any harm or bee deaths. The bees can then be moved to a better, more accommodating location. Everyone wins!
An exterminator might be able to relocate the nest if you can’t find a beekeeper. Just be sure to specify that you want that done rather than having insecticide sprayed in the area where your children and dog play.

How To Keep Wasps Away From Swimming Pool
Wasps are unfortunately a little more difficult to get rid of than bees. They don’t have the reputation of pollen-gathering, honey-producing, fuzzy, cute little bees; they’re also scarier. They have a reputation for being jerks who are just waiting to chase and sting you for fun.
But it’s important to note that they do offer some benefit.
First, even though wasps are not as adorable as bees, they are still crucial pollinators. Some fig varieties require a specific species of wasp in addition to flowers to be pollinated. Fig wasp is the name of it. Fitting, right?
Other pests that are eaten by wasps include flies, aphids, and centipedes. They are an integral part of nature’s built-in pest management system. They do occasionally consume helpful insects like bees and spiders, it’s true. But all of that is how nature functions. When we disrupt nature’s order and start sprinkling insecticide all over the yard, everything—beneficial or unbeneficial—is killed. This is when things go wrong.
Thus, think about a few alternatives to reroute wasps before you begin swatting or spraying them.
Try Using Raw Meat
Evidently, wasps adore raw meat. If you’ve ever had a cookout and had wasps repeatedly try to land on your burgers and steaks before you put them on the grill, you may have noticed this. You can take advantage of this once more.
When using your pool, try hanging a small amount of cheap steak, ground beef, or chicken—raw, not cooked—in a different area of your yard, preferably as far away from the pool as possible. The wasps will be attracted away from the pool as they fly to the feast as a result.
Important: Use a small amount of meat that the wasps can consume easily. If you have too much, it might rot and cause other unpleasant issues like flies and maggots.
Deploy Decoy Wasps Nests
Wasps are highly possessive and dislike sharing space with other wasps. The Jets and the Sharks are comparable to them in that regard. The good news is that you can use this to your advantage to deter wasps from visiting your pool.
You can purchase fake wasp nests and hang them around the yard, ideally away from your house and the pool. Place them at the beginning of the season, before the wasps begin constructing their own nests. This way, you’ll keep them where you want them.
Call In A Pro
A few made-up nests and some raw meat might not be enough to stop a large wasp nest from forming around your pool area. Or perhaps you have a family member who is allergic to bee or wasp stings, in which case the wasps (or bees) must be removed immediately. Call a specialist right away.
Since a pest control company will likely be involved, be sure to specify that you want the wasps relocated rather than insecticide sprayed on them. The last thing you want is dangerous chemicals blowing into your swimming pool or on the grass where your dog, kids, or you might walk barefoot. You and your children, I suppose. Obviously, your dog has no shoes on. Unless your dog likes to dress up.