How Long To Wait Between Adding Pool Chemicals
Pools are wonderful additions to houses and are fun for outings. Pools encourage unwinding and having fun with friends, family, or by yourself. A pool needs to be kept clean, bacteria- and algae-free because it is a stagnant body of water and pretty much anyone can swim in it. Pool chemicals become important to accomplish that.
Wait Times For Adding Pool Chemicals
It usually takes around 10 minutes between adding pool chemicals because that is enough time for the chemicals to mix with the water. After adding chemicals, users can swim normally for about 10 minutes. The chemical would mix fairly quickly if you ran your pump on high and poured it slowly in front of the return. Similar to this, the wait time will be significantly longer if you pour the chemical while your pump is on low.
Brushing is a good technique to ensure that chemicals are thoroughly mixed, to reduce the time between adding chemicals, and to hasten the mixing of chemicals in the pool. For the best and quickest results, brush immediately after each application and primarily with the pump set to high.
Why Is It Important To Add Pool Chemicals At The Correct Time?
It’s always important to wait before adding pool chemicals if you want to prevent a needless trip to the emergency room. Different ingredients, many of which are incredibly incompatible with one another, are used in every chemical product. You could witness explosions, fires, or the release of toxic gas if they come into contact.
Pool chemicals can be kept separate from one another with careful timing.
To ensure the chemicals are properly stabilized, always wait before adding new pool chemicals and retesting.
Make sure to never combine pool chemicals as a general rule. You shouldn’t take chemicals, paint, or the pool for granted.

How To Add Pool Chemicals
You’re aware by this point not to combine chemicals or add them all at once. What then should you do in its place?
Unless it’s pool shock or cal-hypo, wait 24 hours before adding them one at a time and allowing 10 to 30 minutes between chemicals.
A bucket of water can be used to first dissolve granular chlorine, pH, and alkalinity adjusting chemicals. Of course, not at the same time. Muriatic acid and liquid chlorine can be added directly to the pool.
Would it be possible to fill the skimmer with pool chemicals? Check out our article on Should You Add Pool Chemicals to the Skimmer to learn if it’s okay.
Ph Adjusting Chemicals
To raise the pH of the pool, you should use soda ash or sodium bicarbonate. Use sodium bisulfate or muriatic acid to reduce the pH of the pool. In order to use these chemicals, pool water should first be used to dissolve them.
Then, while strolling around the pool’s edge, pour the mixture into the water.
Chlorine Stabilizer (cyanuric Acid)
The pool’s water can receive granular chlorine stabilizer (CYA) by way of the skimmer. It is possible to pour liquid cyanuric acid into the pool or skimmer after mixing it in a bucket of water first.
The best way to add granular CYA to the pool skimmer is to partially dissolve it in a bucket of warm water first. Before doing this, you need to put on a pair of gloves.
Calcium Hardness
You should drain and refill some of the pool water to reduce the calcium hardness. You should add calcium chloride or pool salt to the pool water to increase the calcium hardness. Always make sure to accurately measure the calcium chloride in relation to the pool water.
Baking soda can be used to change the pool’s alkalinity. The baking soda must first, as usual, be dissolved in a bucket of water. Use the correct amount of baking soda at all times.
This article explains everything you need to know about using baking soda to raise pool alkalinity, including professional advice on how much baking soda to use.
Speed Up The Chemical Mixing
If you want the chemicals to mix as quickly as possible, there are a few items to keep in mind when adding chemicals into the pool:
- In front of the return jet in the deep end, slowly pour or spread chemicals. The return jets will give the chemicals’ dispersion a boost and help it move more quickly.
- Your pump should be set to the highest setting. The chemicals will spread more quickly if the water moves more quickly.
- After every chemical addition, brush the pool. The intention is to disturb the water as much as possible. Additionally, it prevents chemicals from adhering to the pool surface.
What Might Occur If All Chemicals Are Added At Once?
By simply combining or blending chemicals before adding, a lot of things can go wrong. Please take caution and consider the potential dangers associated with mixing
Wrong Chemistry Readings
The water needs time to mix and circulate the chemicals. Every addition has the potential to affect the reading of the previous chemical. Consider concentrating on just one chemistry reading at a time. Do not begin adding chlorine to raise the levels of free chlorine (FC) between calcium additions if calcium hardness (CH) is the primary concern.
Potential For Explosions
Bear in mind that you are working with chemicals. There is a lot of chemistry and science involved, and many chemicals don’t get along with each other. That rule applies to pool chemicals as well.
- Never mix chlorine with other types of chlorine, either by mixing it outside the pool or adding them into a feeder. A feeder that was previously using another type of chlorine should never have cal-hypo added to it. An explosion could result from this reaction.
- When diluted, always add the chemical to a bucket of water rather than the other way around.
- Muriatic acid and chlorine should not be combined. Any close contact can result in the creation of a toxic gas, which is extremely dangerous even in small doses.
- To be safe, never add any pool chemicals to one another.
With the help of this guide, you’ll be an expert at determining when it’s safe to swim after adding chemicals to your pool. The summer is soon to arrive, so if you’ve been wanting to upgrade or add a pool to your yard, now is the time to do it!
In this article, I’ve offered a useful guide for the many pool owners who are unsure how long to wait before adding pool chemicals.
As a result, I’m confident that you will now be able to sanitize properly. Have a nice day and thanks for reading all the way through.